Stay Awake Hypnosis (Includes VIDEO)


The Romans had it easy. All they had to do was build the foundations of civilisation as we know it. They never had to face the the perils of data entry. The same is true of our grandparents’ generation. They can never comprehend what it feels like to work a 9 hour day, sat down in a call centre, with only an hour’s break. No, they were idly re-assembling a country blitzed and battered by war. Lazy, lazy grandparents. Next time they tell you you’ve never had it so easy, tell them to shove it up their post-war socialist arseholes. This truly is the hardest time to be alive. And it is this, I believe, that has led to the epidemic of tiredness that is raping our country without protection.

Ask anyone how they are nowadays and you are bound to get the same response; bit tired. So tired. I can’t wait for my bed. Or invite a mate for a drink after work and what will they say? Oh, I’d love to but I’m just really tired. Even you, reading this, are probably feeling drowsy. You’re thinking, why are there so many words? Why can’t it just be a buzzfeed? I hate nuance.

Many people will tell you ridiculous things when you tell them you’re suffering from an unrelenting tiredness.They’ll say things like have a look at your diet, exercise more, JFK is still alive. But the truth is that the only way to really stay awake is hypnosis.

Jamie Charlotte-Anne (PhD) is the hypnotist who has helped literally dozens of people overcome their lethargy and now he will help you overcome yours. Below Jamie has created a free Stay Awake Hypnosis just for you. After listening to this you will find yourself sociable, energised and able to follow through with commitments to friends. Below Jamie has included a testimonial from Francis, one of the people Charlotte-Anne helped overcome their pathetic, sluggy behaviour.

“Recently I was at work for 8 hours in one day. I was rushed off my feet scrolling through facebook, picking up the phone, talking to customers, putting down the phone, answering emails and receiving them. By the time i finished I was a drowsy mess. That night I slept for 70 hours, Luckily I sleep in dog years so I didn’t miss much. But I knew something had to change. I sought the help of Jamie Charlotte-Anne (PhD) and now I am able to do things after work. If any of you are in doubt as to how powerful hypnosis is, let me tell you this; I haven’t slept in 3 days.” Francisca, 24, Cheshire